Today, imbalances once again threaten global harmony. China’s massive trade surplus is fueling a backlash. The U.S.
彭博社报道,IMF第一副总裁戈皮纳特(Gita Gopinath)星期四(10月24日)接受采访时说:“美国发生的事情不仅对美国很重要,对全世界也很重要。”她指出,11月5日的美国大选,是本周IMF和世界银行会议中的重要议题之一。
(华盛顿25日讯)根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)的最新预测,世界经济成长势将更加依赖金砖国家来推动,而不是更富裕的西方国家。IMF的最新预测指出,未来5年金砖国家在全球经济增长占比将持续提升,反观美国、英国、日本等七大工业国(G7)的占比将下滑。其中 ...
Sub-Saharan African nations that depend on commodity exports need to reform their economies to tackle patchy regional ...
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva warned on Thursday that the world is in danger of becoming ...
The world economy, buffeted by conflict and growing geopolitical rivalries, is in danger of getting stuck in a slow-growth, ...
It’s predicting financial trouble if the U.S. tries pro-growth tax reform.
The international community should work to end the conflict in the Middle East and address the "huge" humanitarian crisis ...
(Reuters) - International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva on Thursday warned that China's annual ...
国际货币基金组织(IMF)本周二(10月23日)发布的世界经济展望,下调了对中国经济增长的预估。对美国的增长预期略有提升,德国经济则将原地踏步。 (德国之声中文网) 国际货币基金组织 ...
The International Monetary Fund on Friday urged governments in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to target economic ...