(通讯员:董美玲)2024年 3月4 日,武汉大学生命科学学院杜世燊研究团队与美国NIH国家医学图书馆Eugene V. Koonin团队在Nature Microbiology期刊发表了题为“Widespread photosynthesis ...
For example, the atomic structures of actin, tubulin and several motor proteins have been determined and quantitative models describing the mechanisms of force generation by filament ...
Microtubules are the largest type of filament, with a diameter of about 25 nanometers (nm), and they are composed of a protein called tubulin. Actin filaments are the smallest type, with a ...
Western Blot实验中的均一化分析,用以校正不同样本之间、不同泳道之间的差异,获得准确、可重复的Western Blot数据。通常我们会以内参蛋白作为均一化的标准。 Question :内参蛋白真的可以作为均一化的标准吗? 看家蛋白做内参进行均一化是常用的方法,一般 ...