Beneath the Arctic sea ice, in the blanket of January's polar night, bowhead whales most prefer to sing. While the songs of humpback whales have long received the most attention, it turns out that ...
Bowhead whales migrate from their usual overwintering spot in the Bering Sea, north through the Bering Strait, to summer feeding grounds in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Recently, they’ve begun ...
Researchers suspect the marine mammals may have been communicating across the vast distance Joanna Thompson, Hakai Scientists observed two bowhead whales synchronizing dive schedules whenever they ...
Baleen whales come to feast on the bounty, and in 2010, two bowhead whales entered the bay to gorge. As the pair came within 100 kilometers of each other, they were visually out of range ...
Researchers have long suspected that bowhead whales keep in touch from far away. New evidence of synchronized diving between two whales 100 kilometers apart supports the theory. By Joanna Thompson ...
The oldest living mammal, based on current scientific knowledge, is the bowhead whale–which can live for up to 200 years. The bowhead whale is a longevity expert for a number of reasons.
Fortune, T. Sformo, R. Elsner and E. Follman. 2021. Thermoregulation and Energetics. In The Bowhead Whale, edited by H. Thewissen. Elsevier Inc. pp 237-260. Fortune, S. and A. Trites. 2014. COSEWIC ...
A species of whale, so ancient and elusive that harpoon fragments dating back over a century have been discovered embedded in their bodies, continues to intrigue scientists. The mysterious bowhead ...
Yugu Alfred Ningeok is the son of a whaling captain and a member of an Inupiat whaling crew. An umiak, or skin boat, carries a small team in pursuit of a whale. Hear more about camping on sea ice ...