A former town councillor and mayor has been disqualified from local council roles for three years after being found to have sent unsolicited love notes and gifts to several women. Ex-Plaid Cymru ...
Atal cyn-faer a anfonodd lythyrau serch ac anrhegion diofyn i sawl menyw rhag bod yn gynghorydd am dair blynedd.
Ychwanegodd: "Mae’r premiwm ar ail gartrefi hefyd yn adleisio cyfraddau tebyg mewn siroedd cyfagos, gan olygu na fyddai Ceredigion yn dod yn eithriad o ran cyfraddau isel ar hyd arfordir Cymru." ...
Clarkson’s Farm vet Dilwyn Evans has said that Jeremy Clarkson has "learned a lot" through the course of the series. "He didn ...
Plans to install a sculpture artwork at a west Wales harbour to commemorate the exodus of 36 Welsh locals to the USA more than 200 years ago, ...
The 'Ymgartrefu' initiative is part of an effort to secure the Welsh language in key counties like Gwynedd, Anglesey, ...
To amend the words of Shakespeare, something is rotten in the state of Ceredigion. And that carrion stench emanates from ...
Labour politicians in Llanelli, including a UK Wales office minister, have attacked a decision to temporarily cut back ...
People are being offered cash rewards to return to parts of Wales. Young families are being offered money up to £5,000 to ...
As well as advice and expertise, small businesses have been given space at the town’s historic Guildhall market, which ...
A raft of innovative business support is boosting trade and the economy in Mid Wales. In Cardigan access to guidance and ...
A raft of innovative business support is boosting trade and the economy in West Wales. And nowhere more than Cardigan, where ...