印度总理莫迪和中国国家主席习近平2016年在印度果阿举行的金砖国家峰会上。 Manish Swarup/Associated Press ...
Border inspection agencies across China recorded 160 million entries and exits during the third quarter of this year, ...
在经历了长达四年的紧张局势的升级和经济联系受到干扰之后,印度和中国终于就喜马拉雅山脉实际控制线(LAC)沿线的巡逻安排达成了关键性协议。这个协议是朝着解决持续发酵的边境冲突所迈出的重要一步,标志着一个转折点,它不仅可以恢复该地区的和平与稳定,而且还可 ...
就在中印两国领袖于今天共同出席金砖峰会之际,印度外交部秘书维克拉姆·米斯里(Vikram Misri)表示,印度和中国 已就具争议的喜马拉雅山边境地区巡逻问题达成协议 ,以解决四年来的军事对峙。
印度外交秘书维克拉姆·米斯里(Vikram Misri)星期一(10月21日)表示,印度与中国已就双方在有争议的喜马拉雅边境地区的巡逻安排达成协议,这可能导致脱离接触并解决始于2020年的边境冲突。 此消息正值印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra ...
BEIJING, Oct. 18 (Xinhua) -- Border inspection agencies across China recorded 160 million entries and exits during the third quarter of this year, representing a year-on-year increase of 30.1 percent, ...
From Hami melons in Xinjiang to bell peppers from Shandong, a wide array of goods passes through Baktu Port in Tacheng, ...
Answer: Foreign citizens holding ordinary passports should ensure their passport validity covering their stay in China.
As China's first cross-border tourism cooperation zone, the Chinese part of the zone spans approximately 2 square kilometers. The zone began trial operations in September 2023.
China and Vietnam agreed to strengthen defense and security cooperation, said a joint statement issued here on Monday during ...
BEIJING, Oct. 18 (China Economic Net)- "As we look to the future, the importance of developing intelligent connected vehicles ...
中越德天(板约)瀑布跨境旅游合作区是中越两国2015年签订《中华人民共和国政府和越南社会主义共和国政府关于合作保护和开发德天(板约)瀑布旅游资源的协定》后,由中国广西壮族自治区与越南高平省共同建设和实施的项目。根据协定,双方同意在德天(板约)瀑布景区各划出2平方公里,设立跨境旅游合作区,2023年9月15日起试运营。合作区内,中国德天瀑布与越南板约瀑布相连,有奇特的喀斯特地貌和美丽的自然山水风光, ...