“在每个画面之中,都隐藏着不为人熟知的秘密以及故事,在色彩所呈现的光与暗中,魑魅魍魉们将它们的魔抓伸向了这群充满好奇的玩家身上,把他们带入了这个充满绝望,但偶尔绽露出希望曙光的世界之中。” 自人类诞生以来,对于大千世界就一直有着好奇心。无论是天空上的云朵,或者地上的河流,乃至日月的晨昏,都吸引着人类。 而旺盛的好奇心所导致的,就是对于一切的关注,思考,以及恐惧。 早已意识到“万物皆有可解释”的我们 ...
而这次《万智牌》的系列大boss Valgavoth,其原型就是以天蛾人为基础进行重新设计,虽然就单独自己那张牌来说其“天蛾”属性较少,只能以黑白相间的颜色以及类昆虫的节肢进行大致猜测,不过与它有关的Demonic Counsel中就露出了较多相关元素。
The very final Brooklyn Brewery Bar Crawls of 2024 is scheduled for Saturday, October 12. Tickets include a beer on arrival ...
On a vacation in Toscana, a Danish family instantly becomes friends with a Dutch family, after the family part ways they decide to reconnect, but the reunion doesn't go as planned.
Spooky music. Spine-chilling decor. Creepy drinks. And awesome prizes on offer for the best dressed. It’s that time of the ...