Governments around the world need to rebuild fiscal capacity and central banks should think carefully about the timing of ...
Taiwan wants to join the IMF to get financial protection from China - Taiwan is making a longshot push to join the ...
A weak yen is beneficial for Japan's economy as the boost to exports exceeds the increase in the cost of imports, a senior ...
The International Monetary Fund raised its economic growth forecast for sub-Saharan Africa next year to the highest since ...
It’s predicting financial trouble if the U.S. tries pro-growth tax reform.
The IMF doesn’t share the U.S. view that China’s massive trade surpluses are hurting the world, and that tension is likely to ...
In public, the International Monetary Fund sings nothing but praises for the austerity campaign Javier Milei has waged since ...
国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测,澳大利亚的通胀率将从2.8%攀升至明年年底的3.6%。这份经济展望显示,在应对生活成本危机的斗争中,澳大利亚成为了表现最差的发达经济体之一。此预测是在澳大利亚储备银行(RBA)副行长周一再次声称年内不会降息之后发布的, ...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has acknowledged that Sri Lanka has made significant progress in implementing reforms ...
Sub-Saharan African nations that depend on commodity exports need to reform their economies to tackle patchy regional ...
中新网10月15日电 据法新社报道,当地时间15日,国际货币基金组织(IMF)的最新分析称,到今年年底,全球公共债务将达到100万亿美元,占全球GDP的93%,并警告称多国财政前景可能“比预期更糟”。 据报道,IMF在最新的《财政监测》报告中表示,预计到2030年,全球债务将接近GDP的100%,并警告称,各国政府将需要做出艰难的决定来稳定借贷。 根据报告,美国、巴西、法国、意大利、南非和英国的债 ...
根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)的最新分析,到今年年底,全球公共债务将首次超过100万亿美元,且增长速度可能快于预期,因政治情绪倾向于增加支出,而经济增长放缓放大了借款需求和成本。 IMF在其最新的《财政监测报告》中表示,到2024年底,全球公共债务将达到全球国内生产总值(GDP)的93%,到2030年将接近GDP的100%。这将超过之前疫情流行期间99%的峰值。 IMF使用“债务风险”框架发现,在 ...