捷豹路虎全球首席营销官Lennard Hoornik给我们分享了一个故事:“4年前,在他刚刚加入捷豹路虎时,将要与一位美国的超级富豪客户见面之前,心中 ...
本站采集捷豹F-PACE全国真实成交价、优惠折扣、保值率等信息,助力消费者全方位了解新车市场行情,砍价更稳妥! 我国私家车普及率已经非常高了 ...
捷豹路虎周四表示,作为电气化战略的一部分,计划投资5亿英镑(约合6.7亿美元)支持其哈雷伍德工厂的电动汽车平行生产。 该公司此前已表示 ...
中国网9月20日讯 日前,捷豹路虎(中国)投资有限公司、捷豹路虎(宁波)贸易有限公司根据《缺陷汽车产品召回管理条例》和《缺陷汽车产品召回管理条例实施办法》的要求,向国家市场监督管理总局备案了召回计划。决定自2024年9月20日起,召回以下车辆。
捷豹(JAGUAR)是英国轿车的一种名牌产品,商标为一只正在跳跃前扑的"美洲豹"雕塑,矫健勇猛,形神兼备,具有时代感与视觉冲击力,它既代表了公司 ...
占奇瑞捷豹路虎份额 1.68% 2.78% 3.18% 3.47% 4.63% 8.93% 6.45% 4.55% 占SUV车型中的份额 0.00% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 在SUV车型中 ...
Jaguar is in the midst of a seismic shift. As the automaker prepares to relaunch itself as an EV-only brand, however, it's worth taking a look back at one of the greatest gas-powered sedans it ...
Hoornik added that the second and third models in the new range would arrive in reasonably short order after 2025. JLR’s overall ambition for Jaguar is to move it upmarket, even if it means ...
在20世纪80年代末期,捷豹推出了一系列极为成功的勒芒赛车。其中,1988年由TWR(Tom Walkinshaw Racing)团队驾驶的捷豹XJR-9赛车荣获24小时勒芒赛冠军 ...
A man has been arrested following a high-speed highway police chase that culminated with the vehicle being stopped with the use of road spikes.
What's New for 2025? There are no changes to the F-Pace, but Jaguar says that the 2025 model year will be its last as Jaguar transitions to an all-EV lineup. The price of the 2025 Jaguar F-Pace ...