总起来说,这是一本不错的国产期刊,其影响因子高、一区期刊、审稿速度快,同时对于国人也非常友好,并且不在预警期刊名单中,可以说是非常安全。用于毕业的话也很香, 尤其是华西口腔医院/四川的小伙伴可以利用先天优势,大胆投稿!
The geography of science is changing. As a result, a big push is needed to broaden the pool of scientists eligible to ...
Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary ...
今年上半年,发表在Science和Nature杂志上的两项禽流感病毒研究引起了轩然大波 ... 华南农业大学发表最新禽流感研究 华南农业大学兽医学院的研究人员在Journal of Clinical Microbiology杂志发表了最新研究,他们在对中国南方的猪进行禽流感病毒检测时发现三种病毒 ...
Intrigue and educate yourself with a magazine subscription to a science magazine of your choice. Be amazed by outer space facts, and learn about the latest scientific developments around us.
种树的回忆,后来被鲁夫昆反复提及,也成为鲁夫昆女儿小时候最喜欢的睡前故事,“ 种树合作社是工人所有,讲环保、讲性别平权,白天在陡峭的山坡上淋雨挨冻种树,晚上在帐篷里喝酒 ”。
中国青年报客户端讯(中青报•中青网记者 ...
A hurricane is said to undergo rapid intensification when its sustained winds increase by 35 mph in a 24-hour period. Milton ...
and Nature magazine have founded an international ... The Japanese entertainment and electronics giant and the British science journal said they will announce the first three winners of the ...
长期以来,数学一直是物理学进步的基础。1915年,当爱因斯坦发现,半个多世纪以来的纯粹数学工作完美地描述了他的引力理论中的时空结构时,他赞许广义相对论是数学的“真正胜利”。他后来惊叹,在没有任何应用考虑的情况下构想出的数学,怎么会“如此令人钦佩地适合现实对象”[1]呢? 现今,将数学服务于物理学通常被认为是理所当然的,这根植于它的起源。毕竟,数学是为了测量、量化和理解物理世界而发明的。在美索不达米 ...
10 in the online edition of the British science journal Nature. Sony AI Inc. adopted an approach called deep reinforcement learning, and the system acquired driving skills, such as how to ...