The TRIM (tripartite motif-containing) family of proteins is defined by an amino-terminal set of domains that is known as the RBCC (RING, B-box, coiled-coil) motif. The RBCC motif can exist in ...
(通讯员:董美玲)2024年 3月4 日,武汉大学生命科学学院杜世燊研究团队与美国NIH国家医学图书馆Eugene V. Koonin团队在Nature Microbiology期刊发表了题为“Widespread photosynthesis ...
Scientists have identified a protein that blocks the activity of bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) by stopping them from ...
Researchers at LMU University Hospital have discovered a new molecular switch that protects against cell death.
2024年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予科学家维克托·安布罗斯(Victor Ambros)和加里·鲁夫昆(Gary Ruvkun)。 今年诺奖看似冷门,其实和你的健康息息相关。 这一次诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,又是「发现第一人+深度研究」组合。
引言膜蛋白是细胞生命活动中至关重要的分子,它们不仅参与物质运输、信号传导,还帮助维持细胞的结构稳定性。在多种细胞类型中,尤其是上皮细胞,膜蛋白的极性排序确保了细胞的正常功能发挥。一个典型的例子是肠道上皮细胞,它们在吸收和分泌过程中依赖于膜蛋白的极性排 ...
A bioinformatics pipeline describes 390 putative, novel inhibitory receptors, to facilitate targeted therapeutic strategies for diverse immune cell types in cancer therapy.
Kanazawa University, demonstrate how morphogens combined with cell adhesion can generate tissue domains with a sharp boundary ...
In a recently published article in Nature Communications,, a team offers an AI-driven approach to explore structural ...
A team of chemical biologists at the University of Washington, working with colleagues at Oxford Nanopore Technologies, has ...
China-ASEAN Belt and Road Joint Laboratory on Mariculture Technology, Guangzhou, China ...