Russia and North Korea showcased nuclear capabilities with strategic bombers and intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Russia's defense ministry reported that two Tu-95MS strategic bombers conducted a scheduled flight over the Sea of Japan's ...
此外,没有可靠消息称美国的F-16被俄罗斯拦截。CNN 8月报道称,乌克兰军方消息人士表示,一架美国制造的 F-16战斗机 在对阵俄罗斯的部署中坠毁,一名乌克兰高级飞行员丧生。坠机事件目前正在调查中。
In recent months, Russia's Olenya airbase, located just 200 kilometers from the Finnish and Norwegian borders, has been the ...
从F-16战机驾驶舱内拍摄的影片显示,F-16战机尾随在一架俄罗斯图波列夫Tu-95MS(Tupolev Tu-95MS)战略轰炸机后方,突然间一架俄军苏恺35战机(Su-35 ...
Once again, the Russians have resorted to an unconventional method to protect their bombers. The aircraft stationed at the ...
综上所述,网传说法没有任何依据和可靠信源。传播度较高的女飞行员图片实为巴基斯坦女性战机飞行员Ayesha ...
Japan Air Self-Defense Force pilots scrambled to meet foreign challengers 358 times from April to September, compared to 424 ...
Two Russian Tu-95ms strategic bombers conducted a flight over the neutral waters of the Bering Sea off the western coast of Alaska, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday. The flight lasted ...
视频由放置在战斗机驾驶舱内的360°动态摄像头所拍摄,镜头显示第18战斗机拦截中队一架F-16C战斗机,在阿拉斯加附近对两架俄罗斯图-95MS轰炸机 ...
Russia's Defense Ministry posted on Telegram that two Tupolev Tu-95MS planes had carried out a flight "over the neutral waters of the Bering Sea near the Western coast of Alaska." Next to the ...
- 网传说法没有任何依据和可靠信源。传播度较高的女飞行员图片实为巴基斯坦女性战机飞行员Ayesha Farooq。 - 今年9月,俄SU-35与美F-16战机在阿拉斯加 ...