German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday spoke out against protectionist measures that could harm international cooperation, ...
末日指南之僵尸、博弈论与应急包僵尸攻城|图片来源:Unsplash“末日生存狂”听上去颇为小众,却可能就散落在我们身边,他们会为即将到来的世界末日做好万全的准备,至于具体的做法则“丰俭由人”:有的人会像《辐射》(Fallout)中的“避难所居民”那样 ...
北京林业大学园林学院与国际文化遗产保护与修复研究中心(ICCROM)-世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)世界遗产领导力计划共同宣布将于2024年10月19日至21日在北京林业大学举办“连接文化和自然:ICCROM-BFU 2024 遗产与景观保护大会”。
BEIJING, Oct. 18 (China Economic Net)- "As we look to the future, the importance of developing intelligent connected vehicles ...
Follow us Swipe for Chinese versionThe final of the 2024 China International College Students' Innovation Competition came to ...
泰国国家旅游局(TAT) 今年夏天前往南欧,参加 2018 年 世界摩托车锦标赛(MotoGP World Championship ) 圣马力诺站和阿拉贡站 的比赛。在泰国通信巨头 Kriscom 和 RTR 体育营销 公司卓有成效的合作下,泰国 国家旅游局 在两个赛道的售票区设计并搭建了一个展台。
周二,中国国家足球队在世界杯亚洲区预选赛中取得了首场胜利,他们以2比1的比分在家门口击败了印度尼西亚队,结束了三连败,在小组中拿到了宝贵的三分。东亚球队希望这场胜利能为他们的比赛注入新的活力,而对于印尼来说,则是在前几场比赛中取得令人印象深刻的平局后 ...
Since the inception of BRICS, the member states have been committed to upholding multilateralism and becoming a positive, ...
Top-ranked female paddler Sun Yingsha of China announced her withdrawal from the upcoming matches at the 27th Asian Table ...
(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | Richard Yetsenga: China can sustain strong growth into 2025) ...
According to the report, global merchandise trade experienced an upward trend in the first half of 2024, showing a year-on-year increase of 2.3 percent. This growth is expected to be followed by ...
A global panel of agrarians has called for innovation-driven green transition of the world's agri-food system as part of the ...