殖民火星的可行性一直是整个科学界争论的话题。火星学会创始人兼主席、对埃隆·马斯克影响重大的罗伯特·祖布林认为,鉴于火星的恶劣条件,人类最初必须生活在防护罩下,或者更好的是,生活在地下,以免受致命辐射的伤害。根据几次无人火星探测任务的发现,祖布林得出结 ...
From 1979 to 2023, China's economic growth averaged 8.9 percent annually, far exceeding the average global economic growth of 3 percent during the same period. China's average annual contribution to ...
美国国务院负责经济增长、能源和环境事务的副国务卿何塞·费尔南德斯 (Jose Fernandez)星期一晚些时候在简报会上表示,中国生产的锂“远远超过当今世界的需求”。
Mongolia's gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is projected to reach 6,800 US dollars in 2025, the country's Prime ...
路透社报道,哈希姆(Hashim Djojohadikusumo)星期一(10月7日)出席一场研讨会时说,债务增幅可能是每年1个百分点至2个百分点的范围,并将印尼目前债务占GDP比重不足40%的情况描述为“杠杆率过低”。
About 45,000 port workers across the US East and Gulf Coasts went on strike Tuesday as a midnight deadline for a new labor ...
Themed "The Greater Bay Area New Horizons: Together for High-level Reform and Openness,” the 3rd China (Macao) High-Quality ...
中金:财政还可如何发力?,民生,财政,乘数,税收,总支出 ...
夏 璐中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院研究员中共党史党建学院副教授高 蕾对外经济贸易大学马克思主义学院副教授In September 2021, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI) at the United Nations General Assembly, attractin ...
"The Greater Bay Area has almost a unique economy in the world which has a combination of incredible entrepreneurship and ...
BEIJING, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- China's postal and express delivery industry handled around 6.3 billion parcels during the seven-day National Day holiday that ended on Monday, reflecting vibrant tourism ...
French President Emmanuel Macron said that 2024 marks both the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PRC and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and ...