Edinburgh’s High Riggs and Leith jobcentres are breaking benefits law! They are flouting “Transitional protection” provisions for disabled and sick claimants on Employment and Support Allowance.
Imagine being paid £170 grand a year and not showing up for your first-day at your new work? I hope Sue Gray’s got a good ...
From the endless stream of u-turns (both before and after election), to the appalling foreign policy on Gaza, to the failure ...
Sorting and cataloging content into more easily navigatable order. Here’s all the space capitalism stuff in one blog. “If the ...
The closure of the People’s Story museum in Edinburgh is only the latest in a long process of marginalisation and erasure of ...
Alex Salmond has died at the untimely age of only 69. He leaves a contested and complex legacy. There is no doubt that he ...
The Scottish Government has sworn to tackle child poverty by boosting economic growth. But this approach confronts some of ...
I did my secretarial O Grade on a manual typewriter. Now, in post-menopausal middle-age, faced with the prospect of climate ...
This film is about how major Western news organisations have provided cover for Israel’s war on Gaza. Based on interviews ...
The Head of the IPCC has just said the Paris Agreement target of 1.5C is blown, 2C is dead without a miracle, and the world ...
America’s New Vote Suppression Hitmen, narrated by Rosario Dawson and produced by Martin Sheen, reveals that in 43 ...
This was always a weird framing. Before the general election Anas Sarwar and Paul Hutcheon were positioning Labour as somehow ...