We actually found that these animals are here quite a bit more often than we had realized,” says Will Oestreich, a researcher ...
A new study of sperm whales off the Irish coast has found female and young whales are now travelling much further north than ever before. The presence of female whale and their calves at higher ...
A new study on sperm whales off the coast of Ireland has found females and their calves are swimming in higher latitudes than before. The presence of the whales at higher latitudes is most likely ...
The presence of female sperm whales has become more frequent off the coast of Ireland, which could be linked to climate change, according to a new study. The study on female, juvenile and calf ...
There is very little information available about pygmy sperm whales. Per the Society for Marine Mammalogy, the whales are not often sighted at sea, and most of what is known about them is derived ...
Sperm whales are like “deep-diving buses” and typically spend time in waters further offshore, Dr Pirotta said. “All whale strandings remain a mystery. We don't exactly know why they happen.” ...
JAKARTA: A sperm whale has been found stranded at Teritip Beach, about 35km north of Balikpapan city in East Kalimantan, with local residents and officials trying to help the animal back to the sea.
To find food in the dark, deep-diving whales, like sperm whales, pygmy sperm whales and goose-beaked whales, send out clicks and buzzes from a vocal cord-like structure near their blowholes. These ...
Five sperm whales found stranded on Marshall Bay Beach on Flinders Island have all died, officials have confirmed, despite efforts to save two overnight. Whale strandings are not uncommon in ...