Edward of Westminster, or Edward of Lancaster, as he is sometimes known, the only son of King Henry VI and Queen Margaret of Anjou was born at the Palace of Westminster, London on 13 October, 1453. At ...
Henry III, the eldest son of King John and Isabella of Angouleme was born on 1st October 1207 at Winchester. A grandson of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, he was also the great-great-grandson of ...
Lionel Duke of Clarence, Earl of Ulster and Baron of Connaught, was born on 29 November 1338 at Antwerp in Flanders, the second surviving son of King Edward III and Philippa of Hainaut, daughter of ...
The House of Plantagenet had its origins in a cadet branch of the original counts of Anjou, the dynasty established by Fulk I of Anjou at the beginning of the tenth century. The Plantagenet dynasty ...
The House of Tudor took England's throne through victory over Richard III, the last Plantagenet king, at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. Its founder, the Lancastrian Henry VII laid down the ...
The MacAlpin dynasty, which ruled Scotland throughout the Dark Ages, united the warring races of Picts and Scots as one nation. Our section on this dynasty includes the reign of Kenneth I himself and ...
Ivar Ragnarsson or Ivar the Boneless (inn beinlausi) as he was curiously referred to, was a Viking warlord and a man of exceptional cruelty and ferocity, he was the son of Ragnar Lodbrok and Aslaug ...
Henry VII's father, Edmund Tudor, was the half-brother of Henry VI, born of an illicit union between Queen Catherine of Valois, widow of Henry V and Owen Tudor, her Welsh Clerk of the Wardrobe. Edmund ...
The porphyrias are a group of disorders connected with the production of haem, which is used to make haemoglobin in red blood cells. There are seven different types of porphyria and in most cases, ...
George Plantagenet, Shakespeare's, 'false, fleeting, perjured Clarence', was the third surviving son of Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York (1411-60), and Cecily Neville (1415-95) and was born on on 21 ...
When Britain's last Stuart monarch, Queen Anne died in 1714, the crown of England passed by the 1701 Act of Settlement to the Stuart dynasty's German Protestant cousins, the House of Hanover, or ...
The Dark Age Battle of Mount Badon, known to the Welsh as Mynydd Baddon, was fought between the Britons and an invading force of Anglo-Saxons sometime between 490 and 517 AD. The Saxons were defeated ...