Russia tops the list in terms of direct investments in the Belarusian economy, with the figure amounting to $4.5 bln, Vladimir Putin said ...
It is reported that after an analysis of reconnaissance data received, the Russian military command made a decision to strike both armored vehicles of the Ukrainian army ...
According to Maria Zakharova, this step on the part of Bucharest is conditioned by Russia's decision "to denounce the bilateral intergovernmental agreement on the opening of the mentioned consular ins ...
The Russian leader also pointed to the fact that Alexander Lukashenko played an integral role in creating the Union State and "makes a significant contribution to its strengthening and development" ...
Alexander Lukashenko noted that "Belarusians see and appreciate the support" provided by Russia and its leadership, and assured that "Belarus is a reliable ally" ...
The Russian delegation and the UN representatives need to understand and overcome the twofold and hypocritical position of Western nations on this matter, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershi ...
Maria Zakharova underscored that Russia "once again urges Israel to respect the sovereignty of states and comply with the basic norms of international law" ...
According to Igor Tkachenko, municipal services and utility providers are assisting the fire brigades in every possible way, providing them with hot meals and places to rest and supplying them with fi ...
The shootout with Israel’s forces reportedly occurred in the Maroun El Ras district, where the Shia units fired several missiles at the enemy’s military equipment ...
The IDF assured that before carrying out the strikes the military took extra precautions to minimize civilian casualties, among them an early warning about the attack for locals ...
The Russian leader signed a decree on awarding the order to Lukashenko on August 30, when the Belarusian leader turned 70 ...
According to Alexander Lukashenko, it was the right decision to preserve and develop the cooperation that existed during the Soviet era ...