Alcohol is linked to over 200 diseases, among them at least seven types of cancer, including breast and colon cancers.
Di seguito riportiamo la dichiarazione del Segretario Generale Antonio Guterres in occasione del Premio Nobel per la Pace Dichiarazione del Segretario Generale Antonio Guterres in ...
Healthy diets and nutrition at the heart of priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU in this second half of 2024.
Le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) se mobilise pour intensifier son aide à l’intérieur de Gaza une fois qu’un accès sûr sera accordé a déclaré sa directrice, Cindy McCain. Des camions du PAM « ...
Although significant advances in medical treatments have improved survival rates, the impact of a diagnosis extends beyond physical symptoms ...
FAO - Si prevede che la produzione cerealicola mondiale raggiungerà il massimo storico nel 2024 05/07/2024 Rome. The benchmark for world food commodity prices was ...
From week six, mothers often note they begin to feel more optimistic about the future. Photo: Den Kreative Skole In Denmark, the power of music is changing lives. Since its launch in 2021, the Music ...
Neue israelische Luftangriffe auf Beirut: Mindestens 22 Tote und über 100 Verletzte. UN-Friedensmission Unifil in Gefahr.
Analisi dei femminicidi - UNODC 04 Ottobre 2024 Quasi 89.000 donne e ragazze sono state uccise intenzionalmente nel 2022 in tutto il mondo, ricordando che il ...
Billions of tons of the Greenland ice sheet melted into the ocean last year. For the 28th year in a row it has shrunk.
“A Visão das Raparigas para o Futuro”   11 de outubro de 2024    O potencial das mais de 1,1 mil milhões de raparigas do mundo é ilimitado. Mas à medida que nos aproximamos do prazo de 2030 para os Ob ...
Milliarder av tonn med is fra Grønlands isdekke smeltet og rant ut i havet i fjor. For 28. år på rad krympet isdekket, og ...