Developing embedded software is an increasingly complex problem. As the world moves to multi-core, multi-architecture devices, software engineers need to leverage and debug different processing ...
Inertial MEMS sensors play a significant role in the massive expansion of today’s personal electronic devices. Their small size, low power, ease of integration, high level of functionality, and superb ...
With the proliferation of digital phased arrays in commercial and aerospace and defense applications, there are many engineers working on various aspects of the design who have limited phased array ...
Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) delivers a suite of software solutions, technologies and resources that reduce complexity and accelerate system design. With intuitive tooling, open-source assets, and ...
噪声重要与否,取决于它对目标电路工作的影响程度。 例如,一个开关电源在3 MHz时具有显著的输出电压纹波,如果它为之供电的电路仅有几Hz的带宽,如温度传感器等,则该纹波可能不会产生 ...
MAX4638/MAX4639为单通道8:1和双通道4:1 CMOS模拟多路复用器/解复用器。每个多路复用器均采用+1.8V至+5V单电源或±2.5V双电源供电 ...
IBIS表示输入/输出缓冲器信息规范。它代表了IC供应商提供给客户进行高速设计仿真的器件的数字引脚的特性或行为。这些模型 ...
据保守估计,目前全球至少安装了25万台风轮机。未来四年里,全球风轮机市场预计将增长278 GW的陆上容量、44.3 Gw的海上容量。 1 这相当于至少100,000台3 MW的风轮机。随着可再生能源呈现这种 ...
计步器是一种颇受欢迎的日常锻炼进度监控器,可以激励人们挑战自己,增强体质,帮助瘦身。早期设计利用加重的机械开关检测步伐,并带有一个简单的计数器。晃动这些装置时,可以听到有 ...
演示电路DC3082A-C内置LTM4681,该器件是一款宽输入和输出电压范围、高效率和功率密度、具有数字电源系统管理功能的大电流 ...
分立式和集成式组件是构成各个应用领域的RF信号链的基础功能性构建模块。在本系列文章的 第一部分,我们讨论了用于表征系统的主要特性和性能指标。然而,为了达到期望的性能,RF系统 ...