Donald Trump called himself the "father of IVF" at a town hall for women voters on Wednesday, as the Republican presidential ...
In just one week, nearly 400 Palestinians have reportedly been killed and almost 1,500 injured in Gaza, said Joyce Msuya, the UN acting under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency ...
China stands ready to strengthen alignment of development strategies with Vietnam, carrying out the plan of synergizing the Belt and Road Initiative with Vietnam's Two Corridors and One Economic ...
NASA is set to launch a         spacecraft to Jupiter's moon Europa, considered one of our solar         system's most promising spots to search for life beyond Earth,         to learn whether this ...
Florida's sun and low taxes enticed         many hedge funds and other financial professionals to move         south. Now another massive hurricane is putting that love affair         to the test, but ...
Ratan Tata, the former Tata Group chairman who put a staid and sprawling Indian conglomerate on the global stage with a strin ...
Israeli strikes killed 22 people and injured more than 100 in central Beirut on Thursday, Lebanese authorities said, as a senior Hezbollah official evaded an Israeli assassination attempt in the city, ...
國家住建部部長倪虹表示, 自新政發布以來, 特別是九月底以來, 一手樓的睇樓量及簽約量明顯增加, 二手樓交易量持續上升, 市場出現積極變化, 據媒體報道, 多地房地產政策支持加度加碼, 一線城市樓市全線回溫, 下一步將會同有關部門, 堅決貫徹黨中央及國務院決策部署, 逐項決策抓落實, 充份釋放政策效應, 惠及更多人民群眾.         倪虹在國新辦新聞發布會上表示, 將會通過貨幣化安置方式, ...
行政長官李家超表示, 港人北上消費屬於結構性轉變, 本港是自由開放的社會, 嘗試阻止市民出外是不切實際, 亦都不應該.         李家超在三間電台聯播節目指, 兩地融合為香港帶來多方面好處, 如果內地有競爭力, 消費者前往旅遊消費, 是正常的市場行為, 本港是自由靈活的市場, 營運者需要應變求變, 當局推出8項措施支持中小企, 希望業界同時亦能夠自我革新.         他又說, 推動盛事 ...
日本出口十個月以來首次下跌.         日本九月份出口按年下跌百分之1.7, 是十個月以來首度轉跌, 市場原先估計會增長百分之0.5, 進口就增長百分之2.1, 升幅低過市場預期的百分之3.2, 貿易逆差為2943億日圓.         當中, 對亞洲出口增長百分之0.3, 但對中國出口就下跌百分之7.3, 至於對美國及歐盟的出口就分別下跌百分之2.4及9.
行政長官李家超就新一份施政報告出席三間電台聯播節目, 有市民指, 當局建議合標準劏房「簡樸房」面積最少8平方米, 將導致租金上升, 等同將居民「掃出街」.         李家超回應指, 現時11萬戶劏房戶中, 四成有資格申請公屋, 兩成正等待成為永久居民後申請上樓, 強調簡樸房只是過渡措施, 當局不希望有人無家可歸, 會為有需要人士提供協助.         李家超指, 劏房問題已經累積多年, ...
國新辦將會舉行新聞發布會, 住建部部長倪虹, 與財政部、自然資源部、人民銀行、國家金融監管總局負責人, 會介紹促進房地産市場平穩健康發展有關情況.         央視報道, 權威部門表達的重點, 會是新政效果、哪些城市比較好、哪些政策落地效果好, 以及市場反應呈現出哪些特點.         報道又指, 後續圍繞白名單、專項債如何用於土地儲備, 以及收購存量房用於保障房供給等政策, 另外還有哪些 ...