Our yearbook celebrates and offers authoritative analysis on cod, pollock, hake, halibut and other key whitefish species.
While companies and organizations around the world have different definitions of sustainable fishing, the MSC definition is widely accepted across borders, among fishery experts, scientists, ...
We’ve been part of a team effort to keep oceans healthy and seafood sustainable for more than 25 years. Read about the impact we and our partners have made in our latest Annual Report. Despite the ...
Choosing products with the MSC blue fish label allows you to enjoy eating seafood with the knowledge you have made a positive choice to support well-managed, sustainable fisheries. These fisheries are ...
Purse seines are used in the open ocean to target dense schools of single-species pelagic (midwater) fish like tuna and mackerel. A vertical net ‘curtain’ is used to surround the school of fish, the ...
The MSC Fisheries Standard is used to assess if a fishery is well-managed and sustainable. To become MSC certified, fisheries voluntarily apply to be assessed against the Standard. It’s open to all ...
We set the world's most recognised standards for sustainable fishing and for the supply chains that sell sustainable fish and seafood. When you see fish or seafood products with the blue MSC label, ...
The MSC Fisheries Standard is the leading international benchmark for sustainable fishing and is used to assess if fisheries are well-managed and environmentally sustainable. Our Standard is based on ...
Sharks provide a valuable source of protein for many communities around the world. They are important predators that help keep marine ecosystems in balance. This means sharks must be fished ...
Although there is no one globally agreed-upon definition, the MSC standards and program are built off a specific definition. Within the MSC program, “sustainable fishing” means leaving enough fish in ...
In 2022-23 there were more than 20,800 MSC certified sustainable fish and seafood products on sale around the world. Look for the blue MSC label Below you can find facts, recipes and more for some ...
The MSC blue fish label means the product carrying it is made with wild-caught and certified sustainable seafood that meets the MSC Fisheries Standard, a set of requirements for sustainability that a ...