Swansea University will play a key role in new healthcare and data science partnership between the UK and Singapore.
When the time came to deliver our presentation on 'Promoting Pupil Participation through Partnership Working’, I had already spent the morning networking with professionals from a range of university ...
If you've ever seen the excitement in a child's eyes when a dog walks into their classroom, you'll know just how powerful that moment can be. Schools all over the world are embracing the idea of ...
Swansea University’s Natural Products BioHUB (NP BioHUB) has secured £4.5m in funding as part of UKRI’s £25m Accelerating the ...
How to meet the educational needs of children affected by conflict and crisis was the subject of an international expert ...
Future visitors to a popular Swansea museum will be able to experience the sounds and smells of ancient Egypt, thanks to £300,000 of Welsh Government support.
A single shift of a parasite from one host species to another can trigger catastrophic infectious disease outbreaks. Despite ...
Mae gan fyfyrwyr sy’n dilyn cyrsiau neu fodiwlau israddedig cyfrwng Cymraeg neu ddwyieithog ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe gyfle arbennig i gael cymorth ariannol. Mae nifer uchel o gyrsiau’n gymwys am ...
The Faculty of Science & Engineering is nationally and globally recognised as a centre of excellence providing an innovative, inclusive learning environment that produces lifelong learners who are ...
Our Research Institute aims to bring together the whole Swansea University community for interdisciplinary research in fighting for the future of a planet for our children. We want to become a change ...
Our Science and Engineering researchers connect to create solutions and advance technologies that will transform the life of our planet and its inhabitants. We provide a supportive and stimulating ...
A oes diddordeb gennych chi mewn cydweithio â Phrifysgol Abertawe? Mae'r Adran Partneriaeth Academaidd yn hwyluso, ar ran Prifysgol Abertawe, datblygu, tyfu, darparu a goruchwylio partneriaethau ...