The oft described (especially among women's magazines) male mid-life crisis is supposed to be a desperate menopausal attempt to reclaim the joys of lost youth, the sense of wild adolescent playfulness ...
AudioNemesis.... another new actor in an already overcrowded environment, you are thinking. Well, not really. AudioNemesis is the new brand name by Fabio Camorani, a well know audio engineer (perhaps ...
30 months ago TNT-Audio published a review that shook the HiFi market like never before: the T-Amp phenomenon was born! After that review many things happened: crowds of audiophiles fell in love with ...
My first review for TNT! I had dreamed of something exotic to drop in my system, sitting back and enjoying the music. But no, my first assignment turned out to be a review of some class-T amplifiers.
It seems only the other day that class-D amplifiers were like a mysterious new technology with prices to keep them mysterious to most of us on a modest budget. But as with most technology, the price ...
Integrated amplifiers with phono inputs are becoming quite rare nowadays. The reason is simple: many "new" audiophiles own just a CD player and what's the reason to pay for an input stage one ...
This pre-amplifier was designed last year. I was studying, as usual, the relative characters of tube and solid state, and decided for an experiment: a pre-amplifier with the purest and simplest ...
This is a variation of a simple shunt regulator design that has been floating around on the net. It is a unity-gain (thanks to the feedback through C1) amplifier that consists of gain-element Q1 and ...
In audio, as in any production, probably the hardest thing around is making an improved, or Mark 2 version of anything. This is a nightmare for the manufacturer and reviewer, if the first version got ...
Regular readers of TNT Audio will be familiar with Geoff Husband's review of the Dynavector XX-2 Moving Coil cartridge. In that review Geoff said "The XX-2 is a stunning cartridge. It's far from a ...
In the first installment of this series we had a look at the noise generated at the output of a number of easy to build and cheap voltage regulators: single-chip series and shunt regs (LM317/337 and ...
Quest'articolo delinea alcuni aspetti di base che possono influenzare il suono del vostro impianto, alcune volte piuttosto drammaticamente, e offre alcuni consigli e suggerimenti per effettuare alcuni ...