He was your constant companion and you loved him literally to tatters, so read “Grizzly Confidential” by Kevin Grange. The ...
The Heiltsuk of British Columbia are using a mix of traditional principles and modern implementation to protect salmon and ...
Historically, grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) inhabited most of the western contiguous United States, while black bears (Ursus americanus) were common in forested areas throughout the country.
The animal kingdom is home to an astonishing variety of creatures, each showcasing remarkable strength and abilities. Am ...
Oakley LandGrizzly bears (Ursus arctos) patrol a river favored for salmon fishing on the Yukon vet’s domain. Photograph by Peter Mather/Nat Geo Image Collection The everyday tools of these ...
The brown bear (Ursus arctos) was once widespread across Britain, found in the wild from Devon in southern England to Sutherland in northern Scotland. However, by the end of the last Ice Age ...
No longer defined just by the range needed to accommodate the grouchy travels of Ursus arctos horribilis, the GYE as a concept has expanded to also include (for instance) intact watersheds and ...
So read “Grizzly Confidential” by Kevin Grange. The Ursus arctos horribilis inside it ain’t your childhood best friend. As a boy, Kevin Grange loved the outdoors. In addition to being a ...
项目负责人、中国林业科学研究院森环森保所副所长金崑研究员介绍,戈壁熊(Ursus arctos gobiensis)是棕熊的一个亚种或一个类群,是世界上唯一一种 ...
Niedźwiedzie polarne są dość młodym gatunkiem. Wyewoluowały z niedźwiedzia brunatnego (Ursus arctos) w okresie od pięciu milionów do 500 tysięcy lat temu - mówił Derocher. Jednak nawet ...
The area is home to the Pindos Bright Bush-cricket (Poecilimon pindos), Brown Bear (Ursus arctos), and the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra).
Od jesieni Ursus arctos w poszukiwaniu żeru penetrował zagajniki i grubszy las, szukał smacznych roślin na łąkach, zachodził chętnie do dzikich sadów po wysiedlonych dawno wsiach. Tam wciąż owocują ...