Mongabay India was presented the Greenaccord International Media Award on October 12, 2024, at the XVI Greenaccord ...
News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.
If you liked this story, share it with other people. How much can the general public contribute to science? Plenty, it seems — a realisation that the scientific community is increasingly embracing. A ...
Indrella ampulla’s genetic tapestry unveils colour morphs isolated across the Palghat Gap ...
GI tags protect Indian tradition amid impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss ...
News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.
Understanding roosting habits of the Indian flying fox to improve conservation ...
News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.
Nepal’s traditional healers push for recognition and licensing of their age-old practices ...
A recent survey of fishing cats in Chilika reveals an increased population density of the small wild cat. Researchers attribute this increase mainly to the lake’s abundant fish population, the primary ...
[Interview] “This is in honour of adivasis fighting for their land, water, forest,” says Goldman Prize winner Alok Shukla ...
The elephants and their mahouts of Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve play an essential role in the management of the park. Mahouts help in patrolling, carrying out the census of wild animals, ...