Every child feels lonely now and then. But kids can feel better when parents work with them to practice skills that help with bonding, belonging, and feeling close to others. These are called social ...
Also called: SC-Type of Sickle Cell Disease, Hemoglobin SC (HSC) Disease, Sickle Cell-Hemoglobin C Disease Syndrome, Hemoglobin Sickle C Disease (Hb S/C) What Is Hemoglobin SC (HbSC) Disease?
Inline skating is good exercise and an excellent off-season training program for hockey and skiing. To stay safe while inline skating, follow these tips. It can be tempting to buckle up and go. But to ...
Swimming is a fun and generally safe sport. Follow these tips for an injury-free season. What Gear Do Swimmers Need? Here's some basic swimming equipment to think about: Goggles. Swimming with leaky, ...
What Is Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder? As they enter their teen years, many kids have trouble falling asleep at their usual bedtime. But sometimes a teen can’t fall asleep or wake up at the ...
Lots of kids love video games. In fact, they like them so much that they might hear something like this from mom or dad: "Enough! Find something else to do!" It can be good advice, even if you were ...
Parents and other caregivers handle a lot. From work and school demands to after-school activities and household chores, there are many things to manage. And if your child is ill, that’s even more ...
La enfermedad renal crónica ocurre cuando los riñones se van dañando a lo largo del tiempo y dejan de funcionar tal y como deberían para filtrar bien la sangre. Si a su hijo le han diagnosticado una ...
Los tapones de cera aparecen cuando la cera del oído (cerumen) se acumula en el oído y bloquea el canal auditivo. Es posible que cause pérdida auditiva temporal y dolor de oídos. La cera del oído es ...