Opening the doors to the backstage of political campaigns, Daniel Laurison invites us to take a closer look at the work of ...
Park received her Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard University, where she was affiliated with the Institute for Quantitative Social Science, the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, and the ...
Have France’s Jews been excluded from the great national narrative? The fact is, their archives are as rich as they are significant, bearing witness to a very long history. Moreover, they provide a ...
Rachel St. John explores the diverse range of nation-building projects that vied for legitimacy and land across the continent during the XIXe century, illuminating the diversity of North American ...
What binds people together and turns them into a society? In an ambitious book, the sociologist Serge Paugam wrestles with this question, while bringing sociology into conversation with psychology. In ...
En suivant le parcours de Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbdallāh, mamlouk à Tunis ayant connu une belle ascension sociale au XIXe siècle, M. Oualdi nous guide entre l’Empire ottoman, la Tunisie et l’Europe, et en ...
À propos de : Stéphanie Soubrier, Races guerrières. Enquête sur une catégorie impériale (1850-1918), CNRS Editions ...
est maîtresse de conférences en histoire à Sciences Po Aix. Spécialiste de l’histoire sociale et culturelle des armées contemporaines en situation coloniale et impériale, elle a publié une Histoire de ...
À propos de : Daniel Laurison, Producing Politics : Inside the Exclusive Campaign World Where the Priviledged Few Shape ...
Et si, au lieu des marges, on étudiait l'ordinaire sexuel ? C'est l'ambition de ce nouvel ouvrage de la collection Puf/Vie ...
À propos de : Constance Rimlinger, Féministes des champs. Du retour à la terre à l'écologie queer, Presses universitaires de ...