The media and the left have reported on the reductions in public service numbers as some form of brutal year zero policy which would have you think the Government has turned the clock back decades.
Nate Silver has a good way of explaining why he will vote for Kamala Harris. Before he looks at anything else, he asks is there anything that is disqualifying about a candidate. His answer is Trump's ...
A number of forecasts have changed some of their state leads. RCP now has Trump winning all seven states. 270 to win has Trump now leading in Pennsylvania but dropping behind in Wisconsin. Nate Silver ...
In a statement yesterday, Green co-leader Swarbrick confirmed the party had endorsed the “potential use of the Electoral Act to remove Darleen Tana as a Member of Parliament”. However, she repeated a ...
A new Kāinga Ora complex has opened in Auckland at a cost of $1.2 million per apartment as one of New Zealand’s leading developers calls the state-run agency’s record of running up billions in debt a ...
This is a nice ad from ACT. They take up Chloe's challenge, make the case for mining and highlight some hypocrisy. Also you see the area that Chloe saw is a taonga, but in fact it looks like some ...
The debate over whether Maori Chiefs intended to cede sovereignty when they signed the Treaty of Waitangi is an academic debate, that doesn't actually impact whether or not the NZ Government today is ...
The latest Crown financial statements have just been published so let’s look at the annual crown financial statements for 2023/24 compared to 2017/18. Now defenders of the indefensible will cry “Covid ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon today announced the appointment of Sir Brian Roche as the next Public Service Commissioner. ... This is no surprise, except how long it took. Roche was, to many, the ...
I've been looking at various country ranking indexes to see how much things improved under Labour. Here's some of the movements: Human Development Index - dropped from 9th to 16th Corruption ...
Annual inflation down from 3.3% to 2.2% CPI went up 0.6% in the quarter Non-tradeable inflation still high at 4.9% Tradeable inflation at -1.6% It is good inflation is down to 2.2%, but this doesn't ...
A reader e-mailed the Minister of Transport (and me) the following: 7.6c per kilometre (plus a processing fee) as Road User Charges for electric vehicles was not a clever idea. Why? Simple answer; an ...