Some of the prime targets for small telescopes that I wrote about in my previous article in January 2008 are no longer well positioned for viewing. So here are some more that you can seek out in ...
The planet, labelled Gliese 581g, lies just 20 light-years away from our own solar system in the constellation of Libra. After 11 years of study, scientists are confident that the planet lies bang in ...
Uranus and Neptune are both giant worlds in the far reaches of the solar system which means they can never shine with the luster of, say, Jupiter or Saturn. Uranus is, in theory, just bright enough to ...
It wasn’t always junk. The latest doomed craft, called ROSAT, is a German space telescope, partly built in the UK and controlled by NASA, that observed in X-ray light from 1990 to 1999 in an orbit 575 ...
A former white dwarf star has been transformed into a planet made of diamonds while circling a rapidly spinning pulsar. This dazzling discovery was made using the 64 metre Parkes radio telescope in ...