"Around 2045, 2050, you could link people's brains to ... If we can link people's brains to computers by 2045, then we could use similar technology to turn people into part-machine, part-human.
New technologies will radically change the experience of living with and caring for someone with Alzheimer's, says Professor ...
at the Lappeenranta University of Technology in Finland, have revised upwards their outlook on the share that solar PV will have in the global electricity mix by 2050, from 68% to 76%. In the ...
报告称,世界总人口目前约为73亿,这一数字到2030年预计将增加到85亿,到2050年升至97亿,并在2100年达到112亿,其中超过一半的人口增长将主要集中 ...
These are some of the attractions of an exhibition now on in Tokyo to showcase advanced technology that might be widespread in 2050. The Sustainable High City Tech Tokyo exhibition known by the ...
根据最新数据,当今世界一半多的人口、相当于39亿人居住在城镇地区;到2050年,城镇人口将再增加25亿,而且绝大部分增加的城镇人口将集中在 ...
Both had the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. For technology selection, the team used data from the International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic (ITRPV) to 2030 and further ...
新华社伦敦9月17日电(记者郭爽)一个国际研究团队近日在英国学术期刊《柳叶刀》上发表论文说,2025年至2050年间,全球预计将有超过3900万人死于抗生素耐药性。研究人员17日接受新华社记者采访时指出,抗生素耐药性已成为全球公共卫生的重大挑战,必须 ...
Autonomous cars will appear on demand The car of the future will be electric, autonomous and powered by AI, explains Przemysław Krokosz, edge and embedded technology expert at global software ...
8月发布的一份报告警告,如果不加以制止这个问题,到了2050年,抗生素耐药性可能导致医疗费用额外增加约1万亿美元(约1.3万亿新元),全球国内生产总值(GDP)蒙受3.8%损失。 研究的另一共同第一作者、IHME附属教授沃尔赛特说:“我们迫切需要新的策略 ...