The hard-to-predict outcome from the Nov. 5 election has compelled CFOs to scale back business expectations and forgo investment, recent surveys show.
The Big Four firm’s CEO Paul Knopp called the deepening accounting talent shortage “a brewing crisis” that needs to be addressed in the “near term.” ...
Eighty-one percent of dealmakers are “very or somewhat concerned” about the potential impact of national elections, the research found.
Match alum Steven Bailey will step into the company’s CFO seat as it fields demands from activist investors for change, including calls for a potential sale.
As companies are increasingly outsourcing accounting, the AICPA is looking to amend the standard for financial statements prepared by an external entity.
Setting executive compensation has become more complex for companies considering an IPO because of regulatory, legal and other factors, Alvarez & Marsal said.
The current tech landscape “now demands that businesses reinvent themselves to remain competitive,” according to a report by the National Association of Corporate Directors.
This year has marked the beginning of a groundswell of enhanced, regulated reporting on sustainability and climate data, writes Persefoni’s Emily Pierce.
Though economic headwinds could accelerate a CFO’s shift to become a strategic leader, “business fundamentals” stay the same regardless, said Salesloft CFO Chris Nagy.
As the conflict enters its second year, some companies will likely wind down funding commitments amid concern about backlash to corporate policies, the Conference Board’s Andrew Jones said.
CFOs don’t need to code AI themselves, but they do need to try it out and learn how it can be applied to their individual situations, consultants say.
The proposed update to the Uniform Accountancy Act is a key step toward opening a path to CPA licensure that requires fewer college credits.