With 59% of employees working in a hybrid team structure, navigating ways of working is crucial. Can the shift to hybrid shake traditional foundations or provide the best of both worlds? Research ...
At the very start of the self-awareness journey is Insights Discovery. A psychometric tool based on the psychology of Carl Jung, Insights Discovery is built to help people understand themselves, ...
Successful relationships are the key to a successful business. How people work with those around them directly impacts the productivity and profitability of an organisation, so it's critical that ...
Boosting employee engagement is often at the forefront of HR and management initiatives, which often leads to countless surveys, meetings, reward schemes and other new programmes. But the simplest way ...
What is a growth mindset and why might you need one? In this in-depth white paper, we draw on the expertise of our Insights Discovery Psychologists to examine growth mindset and fixed mindset in ...
Neil has the privilege of working in our Corporate Development and Marketing team to drive demand generation and to develop our brand. Both activities are instructed by our strategic market plans ...
Over the last couple of years, the pandemic has triggered drastic changes for almost all organisations around the world, bringing change leadership into the spotlight in a way that it hasn’t been ...
How can you support your people – and yourself – through testing times? In this bite-sized guide, we look at stress through the lens of color, and consider the different ways it may show up when we’re ...
We have reached an extraordinary moment in the disruption to our working world – one where we now have the chance to rebuild and reimagine what our future workplaces might look and feel like. We’ve ...
Développez vos compétences en tant que facilitateur, coach et accompagnateur de talents en obtenant l'accréditation Insights Discovery. Insights Discovery permet d’aller au cœur des enjeux ...
Développez vos compétences en tant que facilitateur, coach et accompagnateur de talents en obtenant l'accréditation Insights Discovery. Insights Discovery permet d’aller au cœur des enjeux ...