Donald Trump called himself the "father of IVF" at a town hall for women voters on Wednesday, as the Republican presidential ...
In just one week, nearly 400 Palestinians have reportedly been killed and almost 1,500 injured in Gaza, said Joyce Msuya, the UN acting under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency ...
China stands ready to strengthen alignment of development strategies with Vietnam, carrying out the plan of synergizing the Belt and Road Initiative with Vietnam's Two Corridors and One Economic ...
NASA is set to launch a         spacecraft to Jupiter's moon Europa, considered one of our solar         system's most promising spots to search for life beyond Earth,         to learn whether this ...
Florida's sun and low taxes enticed         many hedge funds and other financial professionals to move         south. Now another massive hurricane is putting that love affair         to the test, but ...
Israeli strikes killed 22 people and injured more than 100 in central Beirut on Thursday, Lebanese authorities said, as a senior Hezbollah official evaded an Israeli assassination attempt in the city, ...
Ratan Tata, the former Tata Group chairman who put a staid and sprawling Indian conglomerate on the global stage with a strin ...
美國總統拜登與烏克蘭總統澤連斯基通電話, 討論烏克蘭局勢. 美方同時宣佈, 向烏克蘭提供4億2500萬美元軍事援助.         美國白宮發表聲明說, 拜登在通話中向澤連斯基通報了他在任期內加大對烏克蘭援助的工作. 澤連斯基介紹了烏克蘭局勢.  ...
中國網絡空間安全協會表示, 必須對英特爾的產品進行資安調查, 指控英特爾持續侵害中國國家安全與利益.         路透報道, 中國網絡空間安全協會的表態, 很可能促使網信辦對英特爾展開調查.         英特爾中國在官方微信號發布公告指, 作為一間在華經營近40年的跨國公司, 英特爾嚴格遵守業務所在地適用的法律和法規, 始終將產品安全和質量放在首位, 一直積極與客戶和業界密切合作, 確保產 ...
Brazil's Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes instructed the government to request the extradition of 63 Brazilian nationals currently in Argentina who are linked to an alleged 2023 coup attempt, ...
K-pop star J-Hope, a member of the supergroup BTS, was discharged from South Korea's military on Thursday after 18 months of duty, sparking enthusiasm among fans and investors for a potential reunion ...
美國國防部長奧斯汀和美軍中央司令部發聲明證實, 美軍在星期三晚, 對也門胡塞武裝發動新一輪打擊, 目標包括儲存武器的地下設施.         美國傳媒報道表示, 美軍出動B-2隱形戰略轟炸機參與今次打擊行動, 是美軍首次出動隱形轟炸機攻擊也門胡塞武裝.